Friday, 14 October 2011

Outfit Of My Week

Last Friday I went out for a curry with all the girls. It was for one of my good friend's 18th, I am actually quite jealous! but just thought I would share what I wore :), mainly because I haven't even done a proper blog post yet. I always seem to have an idea for a post, but I never have time to do one :( Anyhow, this is what I wore..

So just to say what I wore, to be totally honest most is quite old, and most my sisters but who cares!
Right, so I wore a normal black tank top, mines from warehouse, the blouse is from topshop, I'm wearing normal leggings, and my cute little boots are from new look.My sister did my hair in a fish tail plait, which I love and want to be able to do myself. My lipstick was a mixture, it was top shop - ohh la la, but then over the top I put 17-mirror shine bee hive, as it gave it a bit of a gloss.

Hope you enjoyed my short but sweet second blog post :)
Lots of love
Alice x

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Welcome to Wonderland

Welcome to my wonderland! I am extremely new to the whole blogging world, but after my sisters' joined I was even more intrigued. I will blog about anything to everything! I'm a typical teenager love everything fashion related..which isn't too great for the bank balance, so most of the time I have to borrow! I'm kind of geeky in some ways, but I'm sure I'll post some geeky blogs to show you. So anyway can't wait to start blogging! (hope this was ok for my first one!)
Lots of love
Alice x